Following a brief discussion during our Christmas dinner evening it has been decided to hold our AGM at our February meeting and not our March meeting. This will give more time for our Secretary to complete the necessary bumf required by the main club for the end of year paperwork.
At this meeting it might be a good idea to seriously discuss what we want to do this year as a branch so please put on your thinking caps
Tewkesbury Classic Vehicle Festival is held at Tewkesbury School, just 200 yards from Junction 9 of the M5
Entry is free for the rider but passengers have to pay (no info on cost)
Revised date, sale to commence at 13.00.
Viewing will be from 8.00 am
Vintage & Classic Motorcycles, spare parts and collectables
(Also also vintage and classic cars)
Please note that this will be a combined car and bike show and will be our first Branch ‘Do’ of the year unless we can think of something else!
Arrive before 9.15am if you can so that we can get the stand set up, if you arrive later we can still fit you in
This was to be a new event for us but after continuous rain we have decided that common sense should prevail and we will try and reschedule for a later date
The date for the Branch Christmas Dinner has now been booked for Sunday 5th January 2020
If you have not received an e mail confirming this together with a copy of the menu, then you need to contact Jill
As we have to pay in advance you will need to pay at the December branch night at the latest so that Jill can confirm the numbers attending
This April sees the start of a summer long invitation from Ian to join him on a steady run including a pub lunch
The runs will be on the first Wednesday of every month
The run will start from outside J & S Accessories premises on the Meteor Business park at SStaverton
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