Gone But Not Forgotten

Neville Hinton

Passed Away 2008

Neville is remembered by the Gloucester Branch for helping to set the branch up when it was reformed. Neville and Keith king would come together from Worcester. On one occasion Neville gave one of his many talks to a full meeting.

Neville was one of the most prominent characters in the Club being Records Officer & Librarian. When we organised Norton Day in the Forest in 2005 he was influential in the planning. I remember he was particularly keen on being the Car Park attendant, which he was famous for. Demarcation had to be adhered too, Non Norton`s would not slip into the NOC designated area he had set out under any circumstances, you did not argue with Neville.

So although Neville was not technically a Gloucester Member he was pivotal in the new Branch and remained a true friend right to his untimely passing, after a long battle with illness.

Chris & Jill Streather.


In Memory of
Peter Cocks

9 th February 1934 to 23 rd February 2021


Peter was a very prominent member of the NOC nationally and a former
Chairman of the Club, from 1994 to 2000. Peter was ex a Naval Officer
and Managing Director of several businesses. He was not afraid of
making his opinion known but had a great sense of humour and was well
respected. I have included a nice photo of Peter at Norton Day at
Bracebridge Street, outside the factory in 1998 L to R Geoff Duke, Peter
Cocks (Chairman N.O.C ) and Doug Hele. Peter was also involved with
production of the NOC Calendar. It was at NOC AGM`s where he was
most prominent, especially when it came to balancing the books, he liked
things to be accurate. When the new reformed Gloucester Branch was set
up in December 2006, Peter living in Hereford joined us and helped with
the organisation. Peter attended most Xmas Dinners with is wife………
Peter would often ride his Red Dominator and display at Malvern with us.
The Branch was represented at Peters funeral and his son rode his Red
Dominator along with other riders. Our thoughts go his wife and family
he will be sadly missed.




Ian Dettmer

17 th October 1946-20 th December 2022


It with great sadness we must announce the passing of our good
friend and fellow member of the NOC Gloucester Branch. Ian
had bravely fought on with the cancer which had limited the
time he had left with us. We would like to offer our sincere
condolences to his wife Patricia and the family, I believe the
respect we all had for Ian, was reflected in the Service of
Thanksgiving at Christchurch. I will always remember his
endless enthusiasm which he had shown as Run`s Sec,
throughout the period he was a Branch Member. Ian`s was
probably one of the most active of our members but struggled to
get us all out, but he never gave up trying. Ian was well known
for having excellently turned-out shiny bikes. This was to be
echoed in the numerous awards he won, at the various shows he
attended. It was one of Ian`s funeral wishes that he was given a
good turnout, for his last ride and this I promised to do.
This included all his biker friends featuring both N.O.C Glos & Bristol, Malvern
branches including the VMMC and Glos Meteors. On behalf of
the Glos Branch we have donated £50 specifically to LINC
Edward Jenner Unit at the Gloucester Royal Hospital
somewhere, very close to both our own hearts and the families



Remembering Maurice Cox
18 th May 1930 to 25 th December 2024

Maurice was a much-respected founder member of the new reformed
Gloucestershire Branch. Over the following years he has supported our
events riding his beloved Commando. His Local Church was full of
Maurice`s large extended family and many friends, who held him high
regard. Maurice who was 94 had lived a long and eventful life, but most
of all he was a family man at heart. His son Steve gave us remarkable
insight into his life over the years. One of his jobs where he was
especially held in high regard, in more ways than one, was that of a
Dragline Operator. This being a very physical and technical job. It was
also believed the mechanical process gave him the strength in his leg`s
he was known for. It must have helped him kicking over his collection of
Motorcycles. (Which over the years, included a BSA, his lovely Rudge
and the” Black Fastback Commando”)
That same Commando to which accompanied by his wife, Jean on
pillion, I have heard many stories about, most of them include speed.
From what I have heard from others that rode with him, he did not hang
about! When I first met Maurice riding into one of our Malvern Display`s
on that award winning early Commando, I wondered how he managed it
on tip toes. But this is where those famous built-up shoes came into it.
They were legendary as Maurice was not the tallest, but managed
incredibly well on that big Norton, which he had such happy memories
on. Later when he felt unable to ride himself, probably when he reached
near 90, Steve rode it for him to the Malvern Shows. So, Maurice carried
on picking up awards which he often received, and we were treated to
more of his stories.
On behalf of the NOC Gloucestershire Branch can we extend our
condolences to all his extended family.

The photo, which was taken recently, shows the happiness we all felt to
see him again, at our Fish & Chip Run, at Tewksbury we will always
remember him.