Members’ Bikes
1939 ES2 owned by Chris & Jill Streather
Our 1939 ES2, which as you can see is in original condition, probably gets more outings than anything else we ride. Dragged out in all weathers and more WD 40 applied to combat the weather it `s always the first and most willing of mounts. It has never been taken down even though it had stood for some twenty years before we had it, which is about seven or so years now,
One of these days we have promised to open her up and give her a birthday, perhaps next year. We often prefer to take the ES2 to concourse displays as it always creates a stir but somehow we never win an award? Never mind aye!
Keith King’s 1935 Model 18
I brought this bike back from Cornwall in the back of my car in 2000 as an extremely rusty wreck. The Mudguards had all but disappeared leaving just triangular bits of metal bolted on to the also badly corroded Stays. All of the bolts were unusable and had to be replaced. The Petrol Tank had nearly thirty holes in the top alone and had to have the top section of another tank modified and welded in to suit.
Despite the advanced level of corrosion I have tried to use as much of the original as possible with the help of a good chrome plater for the bright parts and lots of filling and rubbing down for the painted parts.
Keith King’s 1962 Model 99 Dominator
Not having a lot of cash to spare for bikes in the late 80’s I decided to buy parts as and when I could both find and afford them. The frame came with a log book and a set of crankcases so that was a major problem out of the way for getting it back on the road when it was finished. I used a Commando cam and timing cover as it was a fraction of the price of an electronic magneto and is certainly easier to access for adjustment etc.
This bike has taken me all over the UK to NOC events and to several overseas NOC rallies which have included Norway, France, Austria and Holland
Keith King’s Commando
Dave Graham’s Manx
I actually wanted a cammy Norton I could use on the road and I was looking for an Inter. I missed out on 3 that I’d found, for one reason or another, when the Manx came up for sale. The history as I was told is the bike was raced in Denmark and on the European circuits until the early 1980’s when it was stored with a blown up engine. Restoration was carried out at no expense spared and a new Summerfield bottom end fitted as well as all the other mechanics gone through.
It had been on display since that time without being used when I bought it. It ran but not well..! I took the top end off to confirm the engine was in “just built” condition and set the timing and valve clearances, with the help of Andy Savage, and fitted a new sparkplug after which it started easily. It is registered for the road and I’m planning to take it to the Isle of Man (not to race) for the GP in August.
Dave Graham’s WD 16H
I bought the WD16H as a running bike, but it had been brush painted the wrong colour green. I was only going to change a few things on it and sell it, but when the mudguards were off, there didn’t look much to the bike so decided to strip it all apart. .
The engine and gearbox were completely stripped and new bearings and bushes fitted. The nuts, bolts, levers etc sent off to be dull chromed. Everything else was sprayed with 2 pack paint which I mixed 2 parts green to 1 part brown to make (my version of) British khaki green No.3. The correct service number was painted on the tank and I’m very pleased with the finished result. I have no plans to sell it now and I’m taking it to Normandy for the D-Day anniversary in June.
Dave Graham’s WD Model 18
Ian Dettmer’s 1960 Model 99 Dominator
My Dommy is a 1960 Dominator 99 Deluxe (Body styled), in a Slim line Featherbed frame, Engine 600cc OHV Vertical Twin, Colour Norton Red over Dove Grey.
Acquired in 2010 in a very “unloved” condition, had been off the road for 40+ years. The front left hand side panel was missing and seemingly unobtainable until a very skilled craftsmen hand made one in steel from a pattern borrowed from branch member Chris Norton.
Ian Dettmer’s 1947 Model 18
My 1947 Model 18 has the rigid frame but was the first year with the famous Roadholder forks, Engine is a 500cc OHV Single and the bike is finished in traditional Norton colours.
This bike is unique having been designed and built in 1922 by a motorcycle dealer in Weston Super. The name ‘Blackburne on the tank refers to the make of the engine the bike itself being with Somerset County Council as a ‘Hemming’
Dave & Joan Catton’s 1922 Norton 16H Sports and Zeppelin bodied Sports sidecar
This is our 1922 Norton 16H Sports and Zeppelin bodied Sports sidecar.
We bought this machine as a solo from auction in 1984 and added the sidecar during the winter of 1987/88. It has covered numerous runs but must be ridden with caution owing to the lack of stopping power. It always attracts a lot of attention wherever it goes.
Dave & Joan Catton’s 1959 Dominator 99
We have owned our 1959 Dominator 99 since 1977 and started restoration in 2009 to something like it would have been when new. It is a wonderful machine to ride so we use it for charity events and pleasure rides in the better weather.
Maurice Cox’s 1968 Commando Fastback
I bought this bike when it was 9 years old and have ridden it ever since including two up to the Isle of Man. In that time it has had no major work carried out on the engine but it has been resprayed from its original silver colour to the black finish it has today. As I am now in my eighties I have had a longer kickstart lever and an extension to the centre stand lever fitted to aid starting and parking .
Colin Kent’s 1972 old Norvil Commando Production Racer
When I first had this bike it was in a ‘partially finished’ condition and as a consequence a lot of time has been spent sourcing the correct parts, completing the build and getting set up to run properly. After owning this machine for several years I have now sold it on
Colin Kent’s 1959 Manx
This machine is now fitted with a double overhead camshaft engine, Colin takes great pleasure in riding it in parades such as the Festival of 1000 Bikes at Mallory Park

Colin Kent’s 1939 Garden Gate Manx. The engine is a 1946 SOHC 500 which was a Syd Lawton engine being stamped SL10
Keith James’ Commando 850cc MkII Roadster
Have attached a photo of my 1974 850cc MkII Roadster (Not a MkIIa as it was originally exported to the USA). It has had numerous mods to improve reliability, a Boyer ignition and powerbox, a 12″ disc on the front complete with Grimeca caliper, stainless hose and a sleeved down master cylinder. It currently sports a 750 head, modified by Roger K, replacing the cracked original. I could go on getting more and more detailed but you are probably bored already.
Mike Roberts’ OHV Big 4
Around 1985 I stood next to a friend as he kicked this bike into life, we were in the old Dowty Rotol car park near to where the Ambulance Unit is now. The bike then had a dual seat and was a little untidy! The next owner dismantled it and left it that way for over 13 years. I say “never buy a bike in bits” so I ignore my own advice again, well it is a Norton, so I bought it and after a little over 2 years in the garage it was reborn still with the 600 o.h.v. engine, the original Side Valve unit is work pending under the bench, I am undecided on how long it will stay there! Anyway a short test ride then a quick order for brake shoes from N.O.C. and we were off to the Malvern Show March 2013. Since then I’ve used it commuting but no great distances, it’s great fun to ride and maybe its next rebirth could be as a Big 4 once again.
it was taken out of the garage, dusted off and with a couple of kicks started up so that he could pass the bike on to his nephew to enjoy
Stuart Williams old 1961 ES2
One quiet Sunday morning in 1974 somewhere in the Forest of Dean I went to look at a very tatty looking 614 SKX and after parting with £75 I managed to get it started and ride it home to Gloucester. After about a year I purchased a CB400 Four which enabled me to take it off the road with the intention of ‘doing it up’ which I duly started in 1976. However due to house and career moves it ended up in boxes and although discussed many times it became the standing joke that it would be done when I retired.
Now working part time I made a start, created lists of parts that required replacing and spent many happy hours on the internet sourcing them. My son-in-law works in the car repair trade and did the paint job, as near to original colours as we could. All was going along well and the engine & gearbox now came under scrutiny and after seeing articles by Mike Pemberton in RH decided to get him to look at both which he duly did.
Whilst the waiting for Mike, I carried on with the rest of the rebuild, re-learning a few forgotten skills along the way. Then with engine & gearbox collected (lovely job Mike) I was able to get on at a pace with the bike complete by the end of May this year. (2014)
With (much appreciated) help from Chris & Jill Streather the original registration number was applied for and retained. All that remained was an MOT, which she passed with flying colours. I am very proud of the results of my efforts and so pleased to put 614SKX back on the road where she deserves to be. It was long time coming but we got there in the end!!
Originally purchased by me in 1974 from somewhere in the Forest of Dean, it was in poor condition. I rode it for a year before stripping it down for a planned rebuild. Needless to say life’s events always seemed to prevent the project getting the required priority for far too many years. However, never say never, even if you have to wait for retirement!! It started on the 6th kick, probably would have on the 2nd or 3rd but because I have not practiced the art of kick starting for a very long time more effort was required! I have now sold this machine to a new owner to enjoy